The sound clips below were recorded live at a concert in the chapel
of the Irish College in Leuven in september 2000. They give you a first
impression of the music Fergus performs. The length of
the clip and the size of the sound file (in .wav format) are indicated
between brackets.
- Mo Mhaire
(35 sec./770 kB)
- instrumental version of a traditional Irish-Gaelic song
- Recruited Collier
(60 sec./1,3 mB)
- traditional British ballad of a collier who went to war
- Floating from Skerry
(41 sec./891 kB)
- composed by the British accordeon player Lynn Tucker when she was 14
- Capernaum
(32 sec./704 kB)
- a capella version of a Scottish poem by Lewis Spence on a melody by Ed Miller
- Blue Room
(48 sec./1 mB)
- composed by Rachel Gigot, accordeon player of Orion